Ashfield U3A Art Group |
CO-ORDINATOR(S): Ron Britton TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): 07963-061845 EMAIL ADDRESS(ES): Ron Britton VENUE: The Ashwood Centre Meeting Room [behind the large kitchen] MEETING DATE & TIME: First Tuesday of the month from 09:30 to 12:00 COST OF VENUE, MATERIALS ETC.: £10 each on joining, for room rental, then a further £10 at intervals as more is required, depending on numbers. NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 16 GROUP FULL: NO WAITING LIST: N/A PAGE CODE: Fully Updateable GROUP STATUS: RUNNING
The group publishes a full programme of art topics for the year, tailored to the needs of its members.
New members of all abilities are always welcome.
Art Group exhibits at Ashfield U3A October Meeting Some pieces of artwork on show at the interest groups display En Plein Air at Newstead Abbey Friends drop in to examine the artwork! Pen & Wash Buildings Watercolour Seascapes |