Ashfield U3A International Dining Group |
CO-ORDINATOR(S): Julia Porter & Georganne Barlow TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): Julia: 01623-620892 or 07981-336276 / Georganne: 01623-626647 or 07532-423533 EMAIL ADDRESS(ES): Julia Porter or Georganne Barlow VENUE: Variable MEETING DATE & TIME: Usually last Wednesday of the month, around 18:30. COST OF VENUE, MATERIALS ETC.: Dependant upon the restaurant menu NUMBER OF MEMBERS: Approximately 50 GROUP FULL: YES WAITING LIST: YES PAGE CODE: Fully Updateable GROUP STATUS: RUNNING
The International Dining Group meets in the early evening, the times varying depending on the venues.
The aim of the group is to give members the opportunity to taste the cuisine of other cultures which
they might not have otherwise chosen.
Venues may range from mid-priced ethnic restaurants in the near vicinity to those further afield (e.g. Nottingham). Please email your booking by the date of the U3A meeting prior to the evening, or add your names to the sheet at the U3A meeting. Suggestions for further venues are always gratefully appreciated (together with a menu, if at all possible). Although the group is currently full and has a waiting list, help and support are available to anyone wishing to start a similar group.