Ashfield U3A Theatre Group |
CO-ORDINATOR(S): Barbara Ives TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): 01159_539893 EMAIL ADDRESS(ES): Barbara Ives VENUE: Local Theatres MEETING DATE & TIME: Dates and times vary according to the individual shows (2-4 hours). COST OF VENUE, MATERIALS ETC.: As per ticket price. NUMBER OF MEMBERS: Varies GROUP FULL: N/A WAITING LIST: N/A PAGE CODE: Fully Updateable GROUP STATUS: RUNNING
A full programme of visits has been arranged by the co-ordinator, Barbara Ives.
If possible, please pay for your tickets on the day of booking - i.e. at the U3A meeting. Meet in the foyer half an hour before each performance begins to get your tickets from Barbara, unless meeting for lunch, in which case, meet at 12:00 outside the theatre. If there is something else you would like to see, please contact Barbara to share your ideas or email her.